Our aim is to make our Club a place where everyone, irrespective of their gender, age, ethnicity, culture, ability, family structure or social circumstances, feels welcome and valued. Lorraine and Liz meet with each individual child and their parent/s to discuss the child’s needs, and the policies and procedures of the Club at the time of registration. We welcome any queries that parents may have regarding their child/children and we will work with parents and children to overcome these concerns. Beaumont Children’s Club recognises the importance of working in partnership with parents to promote the best interests of children and that parents play a key role in the education of their children. We will work in partnership with and support parents in this role.
The Children in our Club play an active part in drawing up the code of conduct for themselves. This is done as a group activity where the children suggest ideas, and following on from this, we help the children clarify or simplify their ideas to draw up a code of conduct for themselves. We believe that Children flourish in an environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and where they are free to develop, learn and play without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else. We aim to work towards a goal where children will develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement. It is the policy of Beaumont Children’s Club not to tolerate bullying (verbal or physical) and we ensure that all children and parents are aware of this policy.
We welcome the input of parents into Beaumont Children’s Club. We welcome their feedback, comments, ideas, criticism and complaints. By listening to the Children in our care, and to their parents, we aim to continuously improve our Club. We are happy to meet with parents at any time, and appreciate all feedback. Our policies and procedures folder is available in Beaumont Children’s Club to be read at any stage. Please feel free to ask for a read any time.